Mathematical Adventures

Our website is being redesigned. This is a temporary page. The next meeting of BAMA will be an online Zoom meeting on Tuesday March 18, 2025 at 7:30pm-8:30pm.
The meeting starts at 7:30, but PLEASE JOIN THE ZOOM EARLIER, starting at 7:15.
Instructions for how to join the Zoom meeting and a description of the meeting:

Speaker: Jayadev Athreya
Title: Bouncing around: coding billiards in polygons

Via Zoom at 7:30 pm March 18, 2025

Please join meeting between 7:15 and 7:30 pm

Meeting ID: 920 7692 5492  Password: 833913
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92076925492#
Join by phone: +1 (669) 900-6833   Meeting ID: 920 7692 5492

How many ways can a billiard ball bounce around a table? We will describe some very new mathematics that helps answer this seemingly simple question when the billiard table is a regular polygon.One surprise is how little we know about general mathematical billiards in polygons, even though the rules involve only simple Newtonian mechanics.

Read more and view recordings of past talks at our new SCU BAMA website!

To receive email notifications about BAMA talks, please contact Frank Farris at .